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About Seven Oaks Immigrant Services

Seven Oaks Immigrant Services provides support, information and resources to immigrants/refugees and their families. We provide supports and programs in employment, English classes, health, education, youth (SWIS program), family, finances, housing, and professional development. We offer full week and part-time English as a Second Language (ESL) classes in the day and evening; daytime and evening classes with childcare provided. We provide a wide range of settlement services to help newcomers successfully integrate to life in Canada.

Program Description & Client Eligibility

Employment supports with resumes, interview skills, job search, one on one employment coaches, and work experience or internships for adults and youth. We offer at cost Food Handling, First Aid and NVCI certification. English language classes, formal ESL classes during the day and evening, with childcare available for 2 classes. We also offer informal conversation classes and employment cafes. Under our SWIS program we offer programming and supports year round for children and Youth, including afterschool programs such as homework, reading and math clubs.  We provide services and supports for pre-school, early/middle years, high school and Senior's programming. We work with clients 1 on 1 or in groups for assessing needs, information and orientation. We have workshops & presentations on a number of topics that newcomers need information on and support with; as well as job fairs, health fairs, conversation classes, advocacy and crisis counseling. We provide programming for men and women’s groups, family programming such as parenting programs and parent-child programs, community events, activities and celebrations in the North-West area of Winnipeg, including addressing food security challenges through garden projects and cooking programs.

Primary Organization Location
950 Jefferson Ave
R2P 1W1
204-632-1716 or 204-697-5967
There are no employees listed for this location

Organization Contact
204-632-1716 or 204-697-5967
950 Jefferson Ave
930 Jefferson Ave
R2P 1W1