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About River East Transcona Immigrant Services

River East Transcona Immigrant Services (RETIS) provides programs and supports to welcome immigrants and refugees arriving in the River East Transcona area of the City of Winnipeg. We offer settlement services including: information about the local community and living in Canada, opportunities to connect with area programs and services. At various locations throughout River East Transcona RETIS offers: Adult English as an Additional Language daytime and evening classes, Free care for newcomer children aged 19 months to 6 years at some daytime EAL classes.

Products & Services

Settlement Services 

Newcomers Welcome Centre: John Pritchard School, 1490 Henderson Hwy. Phone: 204.669.9412 Email:

Assistance to connect with community programs and services • Assistance to access adult EAL classes • Help with forms and documents • Basic computer help • Come in person or phone and ask to speak with the settlement workers • Settlement workers are available other days by appointment.

**Drop-In Settlement Services are currently Suspended

Adult English Language Classes and Care for Newcomer Children Program

Adult English as an Additional Language daytime and evening classes, Free care for newcomer children aged 19 months to 6 years at some daytime EAL classes.

We offer classes for Literacy – CLB 5.

WELARC (Winnipeg English Language Assessment and Referral Centre) referrals required.

If you would like more information about our EAL classes or or CNC program, please contact Breanne at 204.667.6193 or

Primary Organization Location
530 McLeod Ave
R2K 0B5
204 - 667 - 6193
There are no employees listed for this location

Organization Contact
204 - 667 - 6193
530 McLeod Ave
R2K 0B5